Security Fest CTF *-bit challenges, organizer writeup

I wrote the 128-bit, 512-bit and 1024-bit challenges for the Security Fest CTF, this year’s topic was Swordfish so the challenges follow the idea of the quotes being used in the movie regarding 128-bit, 512-bit and 1024-bit ciphers. Sadly, neither of the challenges were solved despite my best attempts. In this post I’ll explain how […]

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If you have been working in the IT security industry, you have probably heard CISOs (Chief Information Security Officers) complain about how companies fail at improving their security and pentesters complain about how their findings are ignored by companies. Whilst there is clearly no one-size fits-all solution to such problems, in this post I will […]

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“Lo acepto” y “Me da igual” como objetivos de integración social

Supongo que si vas por la calle no te fijarás en detalles como la separación entre los ojos o el tamaño de la nariz de la persona que te acabas de cruzar. Sin embargo, si que te fijarás en cosas como un cierto estrabismo, una mano faltante, o incluso su acento al hablar, su sexo […]

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Back to the past

You might notice I have “updated” the theme (or better said, recovered my old one). I had to go around and recover the old settings from a mix of old web server logs and old backups but I think I got it to look as it used to. I obviously don’t care if you like […]

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Challenge writer Write Up: Security Fest 2018 CTF challs

Hi! In this post I will note down my procedure for coming up with the challenges for SecurityFest CTF. The idea is explaining my side of the creative process in the hope that it can be useful to other people organizing CTFs. I will finish sharing some personal experience on the other stages of the […]

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Using secure pseudonymous identifiers to protect identification numbers

By now you probably have read of the Equifax data leakage. This reminded me of the idea of secure pseudonymous identifiers I had been thinking on for some time. Secure pseudonymous identifiers make use of cryptography to make it hard or impossible to recover the original identifiers representing a specific person. To be sincere, I […]

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